HI Everyone! Thanks so much for coming to the our classes and for you participation! It was so exciting to see so many people, hear your stories, and feel so uplifted! I had a great time doing the class tonight and am so excited about the future classes. Here are a few articles that I found for you (and forgot to mention as homework) to read. Pick one, or pick all :) This is part of "Taking Control of your Input"- here's some good Brain Food! :)
Are you more like a Radio or an IPOD?
Think About What You Are Thinking About
28 Ideas for Positive Thinking
Positive Thinking and Affirmations
"Its Perfect" The Mindset for Progress!
CLASS NOTES (In a nutshell) :
“While easy to find, true principles are not easy to live until they become an established pattern in life. They will require you to dislodge false ideas.” Richard G. Scott
“There is a LAW irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundation of this world, upon which ALL BLESSINGS are predicated- and when we obtain ANY blessing from God, it is by OBEDIENCE to that LAW upon which it is predicated” Doctrine and Covenants 130: 20-21
What do we have to do before any Blessings can come??
THINK ABOUT THEM!!! No action ever occurs without first a thought. It takes a thought to move the body into action!
THINK ABOUT THEM!!! No action ever occurs without first a thought. It takes a thought to move the body into action!
Tools in your Toolbox! Every Situation you face can be dealt with successfully by reaching into your toolbox and select the right tool for the job or “law to focus on” at the time!
“Law, not confusion, is the dominating principle in the universe… This being so, man has but to right himself to find that the universe is right. And during the process of putting himself right, he will find that as he alters his thoughts towards things and other people, things and other people will alter towards him.” (James Allen, As a Man Thinketh)
“When he begins to reflect upon his condition and search diligently for the law upon which is being established, a man then becomes the wise master, directing his energies with intelligence and fashioning his thoughts to fruitful issues. Such is the conscious master, and man can only thus become by discovering within himself the laws of thought.” James Allen
“When he begins to reflect upon his condition and search diligently for the law upon which is being established, a man then becomes the wise master, directing his energies with intelligence and fashioning his thoughts to fruitful issues. Such is the conscious master, and man can only thus become by discovering within himself the laws of thought.” James Allen
The Law of Relativity:
-Your situation is not fundamentally good or bad until you compare it to something else.
-Nothing is either good or bad until you attach meaning to it! You have that agency!
-Bad things that happen to us are only BAD because we compared it or related it to something better!
-Your situation is not fundamentally good or bad until you compare it to something else.
-Nothing is either good or bad until you attach meaning to it! You have that agency!
-Bad things that happen to us are only BAD because we compared it or related it to something better!
The Law of Relativity is a tool to help us find gratitude. It gives us a way to think more positively and cheerfully, and thus be prepared for greater blessings.
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."~ Melody Beattie ~
What does attaching positive meaning to our situations do? It raises your vibration -it allows your mind to stay open to a higher frequency of thinking where a better solution to your challenge right now exists. It also weakens your subconscious programming and if done effectively removes the old program. It also completely creates a new path for the brain to think through and operate on!
“If you do not make a conscious decision to keep your mind well fed with positive input, then it is very easy to end up with a continual diet of negative thought energy. Drama. Conflict. Disaster. Trauma.” Leslie Housholder
The more we take time to attach positive meaning to what our minds diet is and what conditions are coming as a result the better we get at gravitating towards the kinds of thoughts that we WANT to have! We change our frequency and therefore change our results!
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