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April 16th Class Information

The Stickman Concept: A Mind Model

If I were to ask you to figure the sum of 756, 237,967 plus 234, 765, 876 in your head, could you do it? ......think.. think.. think..... That's a tough one right? But what if I asked you to write it down, then could you? Of Course you could!! You were able to SEE it!

The stickman concept is just that. It is a visual representation of how our mind works.
It is a very helpful tool to allow you to SEE what you are DOING inside your head.
It covers the flow of our thoughts and what our thoughts actually do to us. So now I propose a question to you.

Do your thoughts serve you or hold you back? (or have you ever thought about that?)

After I learned this model I not only became more aware of my thoughts, but I learned how to effectively filter and control them. I have truly gained a grater awareness of how our minds work. I had heard all of my life positive phrases like: "Reach for the Stars", "Dream Big", "You are the one who writes your own story" "Visualize...." and many others that were very uplifting, but always leaving me with the same questions- "HOW? "WHAT?" "HU?"

This concept is so simple that a child can understand it, but so extensive in its application that it answers those questions to "How?" and "Why?"

There is nothing to sell, nothing to buy in this class- it is purely a chance to learn to discover that man truly ''is the master gardener of his soul, the director of his life." (James Allen)
In this class I will share with you my story in applying this concept and we will go through the concept specifically, getting into the "meat" of how it works!

We'll see you there! -katie marble-

Dr. Mom: Beginning Essential Oils

The Why's and How's of using essential oils. In this class we will be covering the beginning basics, which will answer a lot of your questions and concerns about using essential oils as a main part of your families health care.
You may wonder, "What about the cost, or the benefits?" You may wonder, "Where to get the oils and which ones to buy?" You may wonder, "What in the world IS an essential oil?"
Who are you most dependent on for your families health care needs?
(Your knowledge, or the doctors?)
In a time of great need Doctors will not be able to keep up with the high demand of needed help if we ourselves do not become more self reliant with our basic health needs.
Essential Oils are a FABULOUS place to begin your journey to better family health.
Safe for EVERYONE in the home (including pets), essential oils have been a major part of my health and my families health for over 15 years!
Plus, learn how to kill those nasty viruses "lickety split"
by using essential oils.
(RSV, MRSA, Common Cold, and Flu, to name just a few)
If you are prepared you shall not fear.
I hope to take the fear of the virus away and fill your mind with the knowledge of how to deal with the problem.
This class will progress in the future for more in depth uses of the oils. Early attendance to these classes will assure you a whole mountain full of understanding.



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