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Education is Key!

Over the past year we have found that many people have heard about essential oils and have even used some of them.
Some have been disappointed with the way the essential oils were explained to work, but they themselves did not have the same results.
Some have used the oils only for the aromatic properties.
And some have just put their oils on the back of their shelves and left them there, not really knowing what or how to use them.
For all of these reasons, and others, we have continued to teach our monthly classes on the many uses of these wonderful oils. We have found that by EDUCATING the people on how to properly use these oils, they grow and learn and actually begin to teach others about the oils. The circle of knowledge only gets bigger and bigger.
This is a dream come true for me and Katie. We can only see good coming from using essential oils, and teaching others how to become more self reliant with their home health and medicinal needs. Can you imagine paying yourself for all of the home medical care you provide to your family? That is what we feel we are helping others to understand. Their worth, their knowledge, their divine intuition to help the human body thrive, and their divine responsibility to help others thrive as well.
Essential oils do not answer all the questions for everyones needs. But with further study and understanding of what these oils are truly capable of I strongly believe we can eliminate sickness, and illnesses in our homes. We can strengthen our community by uniting together in helping to heal hearts and homes. How do we do this? We show that we truly care for others. We share with our neighbors how we are caring for our families health needs and share with them how they too can help and care for their families.
We have a responsibility to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. I do not like to see my neighbors children or family get sick when I know their are tools to help them. I like to share these tools with others. I like to let others know what I am doing to keep my family healthy.
It is hard sometimes when what I have to share is rejected.
This does not mean they are rejecting me, it only means they are not ready for what I am trying to share with them.
Sure the oils cost money, everything does.
I am glad that the money spent on our monthly oils stays with us. I feel like I am paying myself every month to take care of my family, and I am having FUN doing it. I LOVE caring for my children and my family.
I am sharing this messsage with you to help you understand why I am teaching these classes. I love seeing people get better, and they are choosing to do it themselves, and with friends. I love hearing success stories, and how others are winning against diseases and viruses, and healing.
We can be the difference we want to see happen in the world, but we have to START WITH OURSELVES.
I hope to see you and to meet many more of you this upcoming year as we continue on our journey of learning and growth.
Love Kellie Bingham


  1. Thank you so much for the wealth of knowledge that you have shared with me and my family. I feel like I am the first line of defense and I can do something to help my boys without having to wait for a doctor. We have been healthier this winter than we have ever been and I am so greatful. I can't wait for January's class! Shaylyn


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