September Class Notes:
Wild Orange -A,I,T,N
Chemical Constituents -Monoterpenes -95%, Aldehydes 28%,
Anti-depressant Digestive
Anti-septic Sedative
Anti-spasmodic Tonic
Body System: Digestive, Immune, Emotional Balance, Skin
Aromatic: Peace and happiness to mind and body, joy to the heart,
emotional support
Application: Area of concern, Diffuse, Bottoms of the feet
Uses: cardiac, constipation, colds, colic (dilute for infants), complexion, diarrhea,
Dermatitis, digestive system, dyspepsia, insomnia, fever, flu, high cholesterol,
Menopause, palpitation, appetite, bones, bronchitis, mouth ulcers,
Muscle soreness, obesity, sedation, tissue repair, water retention, wrinkles
Anti-bacterial (98% pathogenic bacteria)
Immune Stimulant
Enhances the action & activity of other oils
Chemical Constituents: -Aldehydes 50%, Phenols 30%
Body Systems: Immune
Application: Area of concern, Diffuse
Caustic oil needs diluting
Uses: circulation, colds, coughs, digestion,
exhaustion, flu, infections, rheumatism,
warts, viral diseases, infectious diseases
Testing yet to find a virus, bacteria, or fungus
that can survive in it's presence.
Leaves, flowers, buds, stems
Chemical Constituents : Phenolic Acids 44%, Ketones 25%
Analgesic, Anti-carcinogenic, Anti-inflammatory (nerves),
Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Invigorating
Body Systems: Digestive, Nervous, Respiratory, Skin, Muscle & Bones
Aroma: Purifying & stimulating to conscious mind,
Increases mental accuracy
Application: Bottoms of the feet, Area of concern, Diffuse, Internally
Uses: digestive difficulties, asthma, bronchitis, candida, diarrhea, digestive aid, fever (reduces)
Flu, halitosis, heartburn, hemorrhoids, hot flashes, indigestion, menstrual irregularity, migraine,
Headaches, motion sickness, nausea, respiratory function, shock, skin (itchy), throat infections,
Varicose veins, vomiting, anger, arthritis, colic, depression, fatigue, food poisoning, hives,
Hysteria, inflammation, liver problems, morning sickness, nerves (regenerate & restore),
Rheumatism, open sensory system, soothe & cool skin, toothaches, tuberculosis
Recipes to try with the oils:
3 drop Lemon
3 drop Lavender
3 drop Peppermint
Add to palm of hand and apply to the back of the neck, temples, chest and bottoms of feet, for any sniffling, sneezing, stuffy nose, red or itchy eyes, scratchy throat, or restricted breathing.
Apply as many times a day as needed.
Sore Throat Eliminator:
1 drop Cinnamon
1 drop Oregano
1 drop Lemon
Add to some water and gargle at the FIRST signs of a sore throat. Once should do it, but you may need to repeat this process if needed.
Wild Orange -A,I,T,N
Chemical Constituents -Monoterpenes -95%, Aldehydes 28%,
Anti-depressant Digestive
Anti-septic Sedative
Anti-spasmodic Tonic
Body System: Digestive, Immune, Emotional Balance, Skin
Aromatic: Peace and happiness to mind and body, joy to the heart,
emotional support
Application: Area of concern, Diffuse, Bottoms of the feet
Uses: cardiac, constipation, colds, colic (dilute for infants), complexion, diarrhea,
Dermatitis, digestive system, dyspepsia, insomnia, fever, flu, high cholesterol,
Menopause, palpitation, appetite, bones, bronchitis, mouth ulcers,
Muscle soreness, obesity, sedation, tissue repair, water retention, wrinkles
Anti-bacterial (98% pathogenic bacteria)
Immune Stimulant
Enhances the action & activity of other oils
Chemical Constituents: -Aldehydes 50%, Phenols 30%
Body Systems: Immune
Application: Area of concern, Diffuse
Caustic oil needs diluting
Uses: circulation, colds, coughs, digestion,
exhaustion, flu, infections, rheumatism,
warts, viral diseases, infectious diseases
Testing yet to find a virus, bacteria, or fungus
that can survive in it's presence.
Leaves, flowers, buds, stems
Chemical Constituents : Phenolic Acids 44%, Ketones 25%
Analgesic, Anti-carcinogenic, Anti-inflammatory (nerves),
Anti-septic, Anti-spasmodic, Invigorating
Body Systems: Digestive, Nervous, Respiratory, Skin, Muscle & Bones
Aroma: Purifying & stimulating to conscious mind,
Increases mental accuracy
Application: Bottoms of the feet, Area of concern, Diffuse, Internally
Uses: digestive difficulties, asthma, bronchitis, candida, diarrhea, digestive aid, fever (reduces)
Flu, halitosis, heartburn, hemorrhoids, hot flashes, indigestion, menstrual irregularity, migraine,
Headaches, motion sickness, nausea, respiratory function, shock, skin (itchy), throat infections,
Varicose veins, vomiting, anger, arthritis, colic, depression, fatigue, food poisoning, hives,
Hysteria, inflammation, liver problems, morning sickness, nerves (regenerate & restore),
Rheumatism, open sensory system, soothe & cool skin, toothaches, tuberculosis
Recipes to try with the oils:
3 drop Lemon
3 drop Lavender
3 drop Peppermint
Add to palm of hand and apply to the back of the neck, temples, chest and bottoms of feet, for any sniffling, sneezing, stuffy nose, red or itchy eyes, scratchy throat, or restricted breathing.
Apply as many times a day as needed.
Sore Throat Eliminator:
1 drop Cinnamon
1 drop Oregano
1 drop Lemon
Add to some water and gargle at the FIRST signs of a sore throat. Once should do it, but you may need to repeat this process if needed.
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