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Essential Oil Spotlights:
by Brittany Flint
My Self Essentials Team
Peppermint and Myrrh

Peppermint: Properties:
anaglesic(pain killer), antibacterial(kills bacteria and any other virus), anticarcinogenic(any chemical that reduces the occurrence of cancers, reduces the severity of cancers), anti-inflammatory( the property of a substance or treatment that reduces inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs make up about half of analgesics, taking care of pain by reducing inflammation.), antiseptic(thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing organisms), antispasmodic(Preventing or relieving spasms or cramps), antiviral(inhibiting or stopping the growth and reproduction of viruses), and most important, invigorating!!
Giving strength, energy and vitality!

Peppermint is one of my favorite oils! we use it for almost everything! it is also used as a "driver" behind any other oils you are layering. peppermint has been used for a number of things such as soothing digestive difficulties, freshening breath, and also used to relieve colic, gas, head aches, heart burn and indigestions. These are just a few suggestions but here are a few more:)
asthma, bronchitis, candida, diarrhea aid, fever(reduces), flu, halitosis(bad breath), hemorroids, hot flashes, indigestion, menstrual irregularity, headaches and migraines, motion sickness, nausea, aids repsirtory functions, shock, skin(itchy), throat infection, varicose veins, vomiting anger, arthritis, dpression, fatigue, food poisoning, hives, inflammation, IBS, liver, memory problems, rheumatism, soothe and cool skin(on hot days), tootheaches, tuberculosis, and as a freshener in water.

As you can see there are many uses for peppermint. make sure to take it internally the bottle specifically has CPTG on it to make sure it is safe. If you have questions as to how to apply and how often, visit the website and type in your ailment and they will take it from there. any other questions about peppermint, feel free to ask!

anti-infectious(reduces infection), anti-inflammatory(reduces inflammation), antiseptic(thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing oraganisms), antitumor(used in the treatment of cancer), astringent(the ability to contract or draw together soft body tissues to check blood flow or restrict secretion of fluids), and tonic(relating to or producing normal tone or tonus in muscles or tissue; "a tonic reflex"; "tonic muscle contraction").
Myrrh was used historically as incense in religious rituals, in embalming, and as a cure for cancer, leprosy and syphylis. crazy!!:) myrrh mixed with coriander was also used for treating herpes.

Some other possible used for myrrh are for bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentry, hyperthyroidism, STRETCH MARKS:)(yahoo) thrush, ulcers, vaginal trush, viral hepatitis, helps increase appetite, asthma, athletes foot, catarrh(mucus), coughs, eczema, dyspepsia(imparied digestion), flatulance, fungal infection,gingivitis, gum infection, hemorroids, mouth ulcers(like the swine flu symptoms), decongest prostate gland, ringworm, sore throats, skin conditions(chapped, cracked, and inflammation) woumds, and wrinkles. just to name a few.
myrrh blends well with frankincense, lavender, sandalwood and all spice oils.
not many people know much and actually use myrrh but it is a powerful oil once you know how to use it and what for. it can be applied with no dilution when used topically. use with caution during pregnancy.

Resources come from the modern essentials guide book on essentials oils and also google. therefore the credit is given to those brainiacs:)
websites to visit for more info and resources: -Corporate Blog site - Search your topic and network! - Additional training and info

TIP: The chemical compounds Carvacrol and Cinnamaldehyde have been found by the USDA to "exhibit rapid antimicrobial activity" against even superbugs! Get them in their natural form with doTERRA's Oregano oil, Cinnamon oil, OnGuard blend and Cassia oil! Diffuse them, use them to clean your home, apply them topically... to keep your home and family healthy!


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