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Showing posts from April, 2009

May Stickman: The Law of Relativity Class Info

Hi everyone! I am so excited about the upcoming class: THE LAW OF RELATIVITY . This law states that Nothing is either good or bad until YOU decide to attach a positive or negative meaning to it. We will go through the stickman model for this specific concept so you can see a visual and then discuss its application in depth. I also want to hear YOUR stories in trying to apply this Law (the homework/challenge assignment) and see how it has worked for you. Understanding and using this law in your behalf is HUGE! To me it is the first step in governing our thoughts. I am also going to talk more about Sub-Conscious Programming and the frequencies we are emmanating constantly. This is going to be a really fun class! Be sure to bring a friend or your spouse! It is always so much more helpful to have someone you can "bounce ideas off of" (as my husband says) and have as a support group. It is a really empowering concept! Infact, there is an article in the April Ensign called, ...

Law of Relativity Challenge/"homework"

The Law of Relativity states that: nothing is either good or bad until you compare it with something else. This means that whatever your situation or circumstance might be is neither good or bad until YOU decide to attatch a postitive or negative meaning to it. We have the agency to do that. Challenge: When something comes up in your life that you aren't quite liking, practice controlling your thoughts and emotions. Say to yourself: "This Just IS, its up to me to decide whether it is good or bad. This situation JUST IS, until I decide." Take a moment to ponder someone else that might be going through something worse than you, reflect for a moment on how it could really be worse- and notice how your situation all of a sudden becomes not quite as bad as you just thought it was. Know that all things are given for our benefit and learning and though you may not see the GOOD in it right now, you can know that it exists and be grateful for the learning you will soon be expeienc...

May Essential Oils Class

Essential Oils Class: In May, Putting together your own Essential Oil First Aid Kits I am so excited to help everyone get their own Essential Oil -Basic First Aid Kits put together. We will begin with these kits on the May 21st Class! You will get your #10 can with a lid and Essential Oil First Aid Kit Label. We will also be adding Lemon and Eucalyptus to your kits. I am starting out with 2 oils this time to get the ball rolling. These oils are wonderful for germs, as a disinfectant, for sore throats, respiratory problems, asthma, hay fever, and colds. My cost for the Lemon is $10.80, and for the Eucalyptus is $15.10, you are welcome to get them from me, or you can get your own somewhere else and bring them to the class. If you do get the oils from me then I will need you to bring your $30 to the next class , and I will have your stuff there for you. PLEASE EMAIL ME if you want the oils so that I can order them for you in time. I HAVE TO KNOW by the 3rd of MAY! www.myselfe...

Geranium Oil Spotlight

Geranium (April 2009) Have you ever tried Geranium Oil? Used for years as a gentle and calming single oil known for improving a variety of skin conditions (including dry eczema, burns, shingles, ringworm, lice, acne, cuts and wounds and even herpes or cold sores). It helps relieve pain, soothes anxiety and stress, diminishes swelling and inflammation, is sedative and useful for nervousness, and renowned for healing burns, wounds, and skin ulcers. It is used for sore breasts of lactating mothers. It is an excellent mosquito repellant. Some have used Geranium to stop excessive bleeding and nosebleeds, and during labor and delivery to prevent hemorrhage. An oil I wouldn't be without if you have a family with any skin conditions. For external use, mix 12 drops of geranium oil to about 1 cup of distilled water. Since oil is not readily dissolved in water, mix well before using. Wash the skin with this blend as needed. Another way to use geranium oil is to mix 60 drops in one cup of oliv...