Hi everyone! I am so excited about the upcoming class: THE LAW OF RELATIVITY . This law states that Nothing is either good or bad until YOU decide to attach a positive or negative meaning to it. We will go through the stickman model for this specific concept so you can see a visual and then discuss its application in depth. I also want to hear YOUR stories in trying to apply this Law (the homework/challenge assignment) and see how it has worked for you. Understanding and using this law in your behalf is HUGE! To me it is the first step in governing our thoughts. I am also going to talk more about Sub-Conscious Programming and the frequencies we are emmanating constantly. This is going to be a really fun class! Be sure to bring a friend or your spouse! It is always so much more helpful to have someone you can "bounce ideas off of" (as my husband says) and have as a support group. It is a really empowering concept! Infact, there is an article in the April Ensign called, ...
Discovering Self-Reliance Through Learning