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Showing posts from March, 2009

April 16th Class Information

The Stickman Concept: A Mind Model If I were to ask you to figure the sum of 756, 237,967 plus 234, 765, 876 in your head, could you do it? ......think.. think.. think..... That's a tough one right? But what if I asked you to write it down, then could you? Of Course you could!! You were able to SEE it! The stickman concept is just that. It is a visual representation of how our mind works. It is a very helpful tool to allow you to SEE what you are DOING inside your head. It covers the flow of our thoughts and what our thoughts actually do to us. So now I propose a question to you. Do your thoughts serve you or hold you back? (or have you ever thought about that?) After I learned this model I not only became more aware of my thoughts, but I learned how to effectively filter and control them. I have truly gained a grater awareness of how our minds work. I had heard all of my life positive phrases like: "Reach for the Stars", "Dream Big", "You are the one who w...

The Beginning!

Hi everyone! Thanks for Coming to our blog!! We are so excited to be starting our series of classes for Self Essentials. We hope you find our blog helpful in allowing you information to our upcoming events and discussion for the classes. Our next class will be held April 16th at 6:30 PM at the Heritage School in Garland. (1386 S. Main Street, Garland UT) Cost is $5.00 Per Class Agenda: 6:30 The Stickman Concept: A Mind Model by Katie Marble 7:30: Dr. Mom: Essential Oils by Kellie Bingham Classes will start on time, so be sure to come a little early for a great seat!