Essential Oil Spotlights : by Brittany Flint My Self Essentials Team Peppermint and Myrrh Peppermint : Properties: anaglesic(pain killer), antibacterial(kills bacteria and any other virus), anticarcinogenic(any chemical that reduces the occurrence of cancers, reduces the severity of cancers), anti-inflammatory( the property of a substance or treatment that reduces inflammation. Anti-inflammatory drugs make up about half of analgesics, taking care of pain by reducing inflammation.), antiseptic(thoroughly clean and free of or destructive to disease-causing organisms), antispasmodic(Preventing or relieving spasms or cramps), antiviral(inhibiting or stopping the growth and reproduction of viruses), and most important, invigorating!! Giving strength, energy and vitality! Peppermint is one of my favorite oils! we use it for almost everything! it is also used as a "driver" behind any other oils you are layering. peppermint has been used for a number of things such as soothing diges...
Discovering Self-Reliance Through Learning